Panasonic NS700/NS1000 Phone System
Q: I need to add someone’s extension to a button on my phone that when pressed calls them and also shows me when they’re on the phone.
A: Press the PROG button on your phone. Select the key you want to program. Dial the number 1+ext no. Press Enter. Pick up handset and hang up.
Q: I need to add an outside phone number to a button on my phone that when pressed acts as a speed dial.
A: Press the PROG button on your phone. Select the key you want to program. Dial the number 2+9+telephone no. Press Enter. Pick up handset and hang up.
Q: How do I know if I have any voicemail messages?
A: There will be a solid red light on the top right of the phone. If lit, dial your voicemail or pickup the handset and press your message key.
Q: I don’t really like the ringtone I currently have. Can I change it?
A: Sure! To change your intercom ring, press the PROG key and the Intercom button twice. Use the directional buttons to cycle through the tones available. To change your outside call ring, Press the PROG key and the line button twice. Use the directional buttons to cycle through the tones available.
Toshiba Strata CIX Phone System
Q: My system time is wrong, how do I change it?
A: Leaving your handset in the cradle, press INT+#652HHMMSS#. Entering the time as HHMMSS is the 24-hour clock format, where HH=hour, MM=minute and SS=seconds. Use leading zeros. Examples: To enter 6:05 AM and 30 seconds, enter 060530; and 2:30 PM and 45 seconds, enter 143045.
Q: My system date is incorrect, how do I change it?
A: Leaving your handset in the cradle, press INT+#651YYMMDD#. Enter the date as YYMMDD, where YY=Year, MM=Month and DD=Day. Example: To enter October 9, 2013, enter 131009.
Q: My message (envelope) light is blinking on my phone but I don’t have a message.
A: Leaving your handset in the cradle, press INT+#409.
Q: I need to add someone’s extension to a button on my phone that when pressed calls them and also shows me when they’re on the phone.
A: Leaving your handset in the cradle, press INT+#9876. Your display will read “USER PROGRAMMING MODE”. Press the red hold key. Your display with change to “KEY ASSIGN MODE”. Select the key you would like to program and enter the number 610 using the dial-pad. Your display will change to “ENTER STATION NUMBER”. Enter the person’s extension number using the dial-pad and press the programmed key again. Your display will read “DATA PROGRAMMED” when completed. You may pick-up and then hang-up the handset to exit programming mode.